Tuesday, April 5, 2016

This is the story of how I met How I Met Your Mother

There are tons of things I love. 

Green tea, yoga, sleeping in,  LinkedIn, stupid Buzzfeed articles...

However, there are two things that are at the top of my list that will stay there indefinitely.

One is The Maine. I talk about this music group a lot. 

The other is How I Met your Mother. Which oddly enough, I haven't even talked about on here at all.

So kids, this is the story of how I met How I Met Your Mother...

Growing up, How I Met Your Mother was the show I always saw commercials for, but didn't really care about. I even had multiple friends tell me to watch it. 

Then one day, during my sophomore year of college, I was bored and decided to give it a try.  I hadn't had Netflix that long, the possibilities on what to watch were endless. The rest is history. I was hooked.

5 friends, trying to navigate the ebb and flow of living in New York City. Sure, this can easily be seen as Friends minus a Phoebe, but this show is truly more than that.

Over time, I developed a theory. (Hey mom and dad, this is what I do instead of classwork, aren't you proud?) 

That theory is that How I Met Your Mother is synchronized to my life. Although the initial  story line is 10 years old now it doesn't even matter.  Any episode- even if randomly picked by someone else for me to watch- aligns perfectly with what is going on in my life, almost down to the exact moment.

Even if I've seen the episode in the past, which at this point I have.

It really is crazy.

Ted taught me that it's ok to be a hopeless romantic.
Marshall taught me that my future husband needs to be just as silly and caring as he is.
Lilly taught me to do things with passion or not at all.
Robin taught me that it's super badass to be strong and independent.

And wait for it....

Barney taught me that with confidence and a good outfit, you can accept any challenge.

Replace someone in the above gif to  tv show.  Thank you Ted, for describing my love for your shenanigans better than I ever could. This is my life in a nutshell and I'm perfectly fine with that.

With love,


  1. Soooo trueee!!!
    I myself am a big fan of how I met your mother.And trust me, I live in India,and here we have very limited possibilities as a girl to become a blogger, but I saw your blog and I always,have dreamed of becoming a writer or something and your blog inspired me sooooo much!!!..i mean seriously thank you.I don't have as much guts,to do as you have done but I really feel amazing looking here at your blog.
    Thank you

  2. Soooo trueee!!!
    I myself am a big fan of how I met your mother.And trust me, I live in India,and here we have very limited possibilities as a girl to become a blogger, but I saw your blog and I always,have dreamed of becoming a writer or something and your blog inspired me sooooo much!!!..i mean seriously thank you.I don't have as much guts,to do as you have done but I really feel amazing looking here at your blog.
    Thank you


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