Saturday, January 18, 2014

Let's Go On An Adventure

Hey everyone!
It seems like Saturday is my day to truly delve into my mind as you can see from my last post on a Saturday here.

I am extremely lucky to be in the area I am in.
 It's a shame that I don't embrace this and go out and explore it until the weekend comes around. 

Go on adventure. Go eat somewhere new. Go walk on a trail. Go explore. Befriend  a stranger.

I always vow to myself that I will. I will go out and do these things.
Time and time again this principle gets lost and I end up sitting in my room doing homework, but hey there's nothing wrong with that.  I mean the sole reason I am here is to get a solid education. To eventually be an individual of true, authentic academic substance. 

Today I decided to actually listen to that little voice in my head and go out and do something.

As I mentioned before, I'm extremely lucky to be where I am. One of the perks being free bus transportation. My friends and I decided to check out the bus schedule and just see where the day would guide us. 

Ok, ok I hear you-  taking a bus is not all that adventurous.
Not having a destination, a purpose or care in the world about time is what made our excursion special.

 More than that, there was a special individual on that bus that has undoubtedly changed my life.

A man with soft blue eyes and some salt and pepper scruff sat next to us. His face was worn, yet not in the way that made him look defeated. He overheard our conversation about not quite knowing what to do. It started with a smile and snowballed into a full fledged discussion about life.

The kind man had traveled everywhere: Europe, Asia, Australia- you name it. He talked about his 3 kids and how they all grew up to be teachers. He talked about how crappy the weather usually is in Seattle where he lives. He talked about his love for skiing and cycling. He talked about the housing market and how floods of people drive up prices, which he didn't think was fair for his friend working at a non profit in California. " We don't all work for Apple and Microsoft, you know" he said. He talked about how things are starting to lose value. He talked about how the lives we lead are in an 'artifical bubble'.

I didn't know striking up a conversation with a stranger could be so valuable.  I believe this man is full of infinite wisdom; which I know we obtain with age.  As I sit here writing this, I struggle to do this man's powerful words, knowledge and presence  justice.  

In just  15 short minutes I learned to see the world through a new lens. From a complete stranger.

I wracked my brain, and challenged my friends to remind me of the nuggets of information he ever so kindly handed to us. It was a challenge. Not because I didn't understand. Not because I quickly forgot, but because I don't want to lose his authenticity. 

I want to remember all that he told us and replay it again and again. Tuck every message away and hide them for safe keeping. So here is the list my friends and I compiled. It is quite pale in comparison to what was said in the moment, but the weight of his overall message still holds true...

"Positive energy- it is out there."

"Don't fear for your parents. Don't fear for your grandparents. Don't take others' fears. You should worry about your own."

"Always travel with a companion. You can share things with them. Make sure it is someone who will tough it out with you.  Someone who will embrace strenuous and spur of the moment things. Because at some point you will definitely need someone who will tap you on the shoulder at 4 in the morning once you've nodded off in a bus station."

"A smile can change someone's day. You should be kind to everyone, but especially those who are close to you and those who deserve it."

"We live in the past too much. Only bring the good forward and into the present." 

"Learn another language; gain a foot up. Learn to speak to others."

"Always share kindness and love. We are all worthy of it."

"Look at the beauty in things: take that mountain and see that view from thousands of feet in the air."

As we parted ways, the man gave my friends and I ideas on where to go next and even made sure we got on the right bus route.  I never got the chance to see where he was headed next.

The only thing I regret is not getting his name.
To the kind hearted man on the bus today- Thank you.
You have forever changed me.



  1. This is so awesome and eye opening <3. Wonderful post Sarah :)

  2. Wow this is truly amazing! Not only meeting the man, but your writing as well!

  3. This is really great - keep writing, keep exploring, keep challenging yourself, keep blogging!


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