Sunday, August 23, 2015

Recipe: Olive Garden Breadsticks

Happy Sunday!

Alright, usually happy and Sunday don't go in the same sentence because it means one step closer to Monday- but today is looking a little bit different.

Why? For starters, I leave for Ireland TOMORROW. All the butterflies and excitement are truly starting to sink in. Ah!!!! Getting ready to go off on a big adventure is a big 'happy' for me. T MINUS 24 HOURS.

Secondly, to make this Monday even better I'm sharing the recipe for Olive Garden breadsticks. Oh yes, you did in fact just read that wonderful sentence.

There's  just something about Olive Garden breadsticks. I've seen people eat a whole basket themselves (totally not me). Unlimited salad and breadsticks is an event  to be celebrated. They are just too good.

The recipe I'm sharing this morning was on the Today show. After it aired, my brother and I ran to our nearest electronic device and found the recipe online. (here it is!!!)

Look at how beautiful they are. Oh goodness.

I'm not going to lie, this does take a big chunk of your day to do. BUT perfection takes time and the end result, is in fact those heavenly breadsticks we all know and love. 

If there's a downfall to this recipe, it's that these breadsticks aren't unlimited.

Oh, and did I mention the recipe also tells you how to make the equally as famous Olive Garden salad? Go forth and create these tomorrow for dinner! Best. Monday. Ever.

With love,

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