Monday, February 22, 2016

Music Monday: The 1975

Happy Monday!

Being not only a 20 year year old female, but also an avid user of Tumblr it's near impossible for me not to see a post regarding The 1975...

 A barren hipster bedroom and The 1975 poster or record.

 An arty black and white photo of lead singer, Matt Healy.

 Aesthetically pleasing edits of 'Chocolate' or 'Girls' lyrics.

Maybe you've seen this cool-kids-concert-shot and didn't realize it was The 1975. Or maybe you did. (I didn't)

I've seen it all, and I'm sure you have too.

It wasn't  until just recently that I actually gave the band a listen. Man oh man, now do I understand the hype.

The band has been teasing new songs, as bands do, sporadically over the past few months. Luckily for me, I don't have to wait too much longer now to hear all of their new songs. (The album comes out on Feb 26!)

Here are some of my favorites:

Somebody Else

Love Me

The Sound

Take a listen. Really let your inner hipster/glam rock/ 80's superstar shine this Monday morning!

This album is going to be everywhere. Including my Tumblr dashboard.

With love,

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