Hey there everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
On Friday, I posted a bunch of DIY Disney costumes that could be possible contenders for your Halloween parties this year! You can scroll down to see the post underneath this one.
If you're viewing this somewhere other than my homepage you can see those Disney costumes by clicking here!
As promised, here is part 2 of my DIY halloween ideas!
Steve and Blue
Scuba divers
Mean Girls (2x)
Clueless' Cher and Dionne... or Iggy Azalea?
Kelly and Zack- Go Bayside!
Three blind mice
Audrey Hepburn
Frat boys- if you can't beat em', join em'
How to make all these costumes can be seen over on my Pinterest (click here). There are a ton of DIYs listed there that aren't shown here as well. Let your creativity run wild!
If all else fails, you can always be a ghost- just make sure to be a creative one! :)